Friday, December 30, 2011

I gave myself the month of December to empty 400 boxes and put everything away. All 400 boxes are empty down to only my office/craft room to organize...trying to be motivated to complete the job!!! No response to resumes I have sent out, still trusting that God will bring the right job at the right time!!!!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Spent the day with my mom and sister in Stockton, great company to Christmas shop and have lunch with. Finished my shopping at Home Goods, the best store to find inexpensive presents.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I have made a small dent in the 100 boxes that need to be emptied. So hard to stay motivated, just when I think I am making headway, I look again and see boxes. To tempting to sit and do nothing. My hands hurt from opening the boxes and unwrapping all the paper. Trying to stay focused on the job. And job hunt that will take me way from all the boxes!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Carl and family. Katie made the dinner and did a fantastic job....only 15 and already a great cook. The weather could not have been better. It was hard to leave them.

Now for unpacking, finally settled on a desk for the sewing room...moving forward. Going to spend December getting settled. Trusting God to find me a job at the right time.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I can not believe all that has happened since the last time I posted anything. First externship, fire in our home and had to move out, house is still not finished, move to an apartment, leave of absence, move to duplex our new home, start of second externship, trip to Arizona, finished externship all 180 hours, now to unpack a 100 boxes in my house and garage. Still no word from the bank as to short sale or foreclousre. It is all to overwhelming and I am having difficulty with getting started today, which is my first weekday off in 6 weeks. Not sure I can do this. I am trying to be faithful and thanking God for all He has provided, we have so much more then many....spending Thanksgiving with Carl and looking forward to seeing everyone.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Yesterday, was the end result of a journey I started last November, graduation ceremony for Medical Billing and Coding. This journey was about me and proving to myself that I could accomplish and finish a goal after many months of questioning my ability to do a job well. The gold robe represents graduating with honors. There are so many people to thank, who encouraged me and prayed for me during the months of school, the most important being my husband, who cheered me on and believed in my ability. I still need to finish my externship and find a job, but God has been so faithful in leading me and providing for us that I am confident He will lead me to the right job. Thank you to each of you for your love, prayers and encouragement.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is my first posting, I finally (hear me patting myself on the back), had time and courage to attempt to create a blog. Too many design choices to make, but I like the look and I think it fits with what I plan to use this blog for. I will be posting card designs, sewing creations and tidbits of life in the Shaver household. Let me know what you think of the look, I am going to blog as often as I can. My encouragement for the day is from the Daily Bread..."When your outlook is blurred by problems, focus on Christ".