Monday, July 30, 2012


I have not posted for awhile, my mom has been very sick and I have been spending time going to her house, e-mailing the doctor for her, doing what they will let me do to help.  There is no way to prepare for your parent to get older and not be well.  It felt like she had aged 10 years before my eyes this past week. She tries to be independent, but just does not have the strength.  Seeing someone who is usually very active and independent, dependent on me or Dad to help her walk down the hall, get into bed and even take a sip of water is so hard.  I am so thankful for this time I have with her.  While I did not plan on being retired so early in my life, just knowing that I have the freedom to drive over and relieve Dad some or talk with her is and has been such a blessing.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Remember when you were little and by the middle of summer you were bored, with nothing to do?  Well, I am bored, now the truth is I have a lot to do, but I need a change in my routine.  Thinking that a drive to the ocean might help....question is can I get my other half up and out of bed on Saturday to make the drive??  Where to go...Bodega Bay...finally and yes, we will take the dog with us.  She gets bored too!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shopping and Pinterest

Went shopping today, they really need to change the name of Costco to the TWO HUNDRED $$ store, I can never get out of that store for less.  On the bright side, I have become addicted to Pinterest, now that I know how to post pictures.  I could easily spend a lot of hours searching the internet for pictures to post.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Progress, I think I have figured out how to pin items on Pinterest??  I actually pinned a few items, not sure if I did it right.  It is cool here today, windows open and trying not to turn on the air conditioner....we will see how long that last.  Back to sewing, sewing, sewing.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The temperature is rising and am staying indoors as much as possible.  Which presents a problem, because I find that I have less motivation to do anything, like sewing.  I have several projects I need to do, but the sofa and my Kindle keep calling my name.  DANG!  I need to finish the birthday presents I started, OH WELL!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hello Monday!

I am sewing today, started a table runner yesterday and will finish today.  Trying to sew some new things, lots idea's in my head (it is keeping me up at night).  Taking a break from my Kindle, I realized it was toooo easy to spend $20 a week downloading books.  Love my Kindle, it can be addictive!!  Have a wonderful day and stay will be in 100's here.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I have just spent the better part of my day on the phone trying to resolve a problem with my computer that I would think would be so simple to resolve.  Why did it take 3 different companies, 10 different people to explain each time what the problem is, only to still not have it resolved??  I would say that I hate computers, but I am just as tied to the Internet as the next person and would go thru withdrawals if I could not have access to Facebook or all of my quilting websites.  UGH!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th

Happy July 4th, may you remember the reason for the celebration  The cost of lives lost and the men who put their lives and families on the line to write the Constisution which gives us the freedom to choose how we worship God and to voice our opinions about government without worry of reprimand.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just too Busy

My goal is to blog Monday thru Friday, but sometimes life gets in the way of good intents.  Anyway, Monday is gone and today is a new day.  I have friends coming for lunch who I have not spent time with for a very long time.  Trying to stay focus on what is important and let go of the things that are not.  This weekend marked 10 years of living in northern California.  I miss southern Cal, still, the smell of the ocean,  family and friends who still live there.  Life moves on, 10 years means a lot of changes for the co-workers and friends we had who still live down south.  Am I glad we moved?  I am blessed that I have had 10 years with spending time with my Mom and being able to talk with her almost everyday.  I have been able to spend time with my sister, not as much as I would like though.  I have made new friends who I value very much.  Would I move back, YES.  I miss my son and his family, especially my grandchildren, who have continued to grow even when I have not been around.  AND I miss the ocean!!